37GJ/hr Rotary Kiln, Waste Heat Boiler, Quench, Baghouse, Fan, Instrumentation and Control Panel
60GJ/hr Vertical Incinerator, Quench, Venturi, IWS Scrubber, Dosing System, Instrumentation and Control Panel
Knock Out Drum, Spray Tower, Venturi, Packed Bed Scrubber, Instrumentation and Control Panel
Quench, HRP Scrubber, IWS Scrubber, HF Scrubber, Fan, Instrumentation and Control Panel
Knock Out Drum, Spray Tower, Venturi, Packed Bed Scrubber, Instrumentation and Control Panel
62 MM btu/h Rotary Kiln,Chemical Tank Farm, Evaporator, PTFE Filter baghouse, Acid Scrubber, Stack, Instrumentation and Control Panel
Low Temp. DeNOx Treatment for a Metal Process plant
Stripper, Scrubber, Fan, Dosing System, Instrumentation and Control Panel